Holt Challenge Inc. Competitive Tenpins for Bowlers of all abilities

Results and Records

Records, Statistics and Past Winners

2024 Holt Tenpin Bowling Carnival

Singles, Doubles, Teams, All Events and Masters Qualifying Scores

2023 Holt Tenpin Bowling Carnival

Singles, Doubles, Teams, All Events and Masters Qualifying Scores

2022 Holt Tenpin Bowling Carnival

Singles, Doubles, Teams, All Events and Masters Qualifying Scores

2019 Holt Tenpin Bowling Carnival

Singles, Doubles, Teams, All Events and Masters Qualifying Scores

2018 Holt Tenpin Bowling Carnival

Singles, Doubles, Teams, All Events and Masters Qualifying Scores

2017 Holt Tenpin Bowling Carnival

Singles, Doubles, Teams, All Events and Masters Qualifying Scores

2016 Darrell Holt Tenpin Bowling Carnival

Singles, Doubles, Teams, All Events and Masters Qualifying Scores

2015 Darrell Holt Tenpin Bowling Carnival

Singles, Doubles, Teams, All Events and Masters Qualifying Scores

2014 Darrell Holt Tenpin Bowling Carnival

2013 Darrell Holt Tenpin Bowling Carnival

2012 Darrell Holt Tenpin Bowling Carnival

2011 Darrell Holt Tenpin Bowling Carnival

2010 Darrell Holt Tenpin Bowling Carnival

2009 Darrell Holt Tenpin Bowling Carnival

2008 Darrell Holt Tenpin Bowling Carnival

2007 Darrell Holt Tenpin Bowling Carnival

Walter De Veer Teams : 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006